The Force Will Be With You

John 16:12-15

“He will guide you to all truth.”

So many stories throughout history have made use of a 3rd party guiding us to our final destination.  We enjoy concepts like fairly godmothers, spirit guides, and impossibly powerful teachers leading us to better versions of ourselves.  Invariably, this 3rd party (mentor) introduces the protagonist to a new form of magic, ancient wisdom, or secret fighting style.  It is clear, through the common patterns we see in mythologies around the globe, that the human condition instinctively KNOWS that it cannot achieve full actualization without the help of some other being, force or entity.  This objective truth is Christianity in a nut-shell.  I know that the Church doesn’t like to compare the Holy Spirit to the Force from Star Wars, but for so many it is the only point of reference; so I continue to do it.  The Holy Spirit is essentially a the combination of chi energy and Karma without being derivative.  It flows through us, it is the spark of life, it powers our actions, and ties reality together.  We can harness its power, redirect it, revel in its feeling, but it can also be unpredictable and have a mind of its own that sometimes you just have to accept.

The reason Star Wars is so popular is because it is flagrantly unoriginal. It taps into our deepest desires as men.  We all want to fight the good fight, save the day, and know that we are on the side of righteousness.  What’s specifically relevant in today’s gospel passage is that Jesus is telling us that we will always have a guide with us to keep us honest and on the side of Good.  An invisible spirit (The Force) will guide our actions and thoughts, help deliver us through tough times, bring us wisdom and patience, give us strength, and it will NEVER be contrary to the natural order of the world because it is the spirit of TRUTH.

Put simply, The Way of Jesus and the Paladin lifestyle gives you the Force in real life.  The Holy Spirit is your magic, your excalibur, your secret kung fu.  The Holy Spirit is all around you: it flows through you, binds you to others, and strengthens you, but only if you actively dedicate your mind to engaging with it.  Just like when Obi-Wan had to train Luke in the “ways of the Force” so to will you have to pray and grow closer to God.  It will not just appear in front of you and do the work for you.  Pray, meditate, sit in adoration, confess, receive communion, loiter on sacred ground, THINK for Christ sake!  Feel the Holy Spirit like electricity arcing around you at all times, my sons because if you choose to accept it you will be an inspiration to all.


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